The spread of COVID-19 in hospitals was a complex problem influenced by the virus transmission routes, the hospital environment and how it is used. The primary strategy for controlling transmission in hospitals is following the latest infection control guidance. However, engineering solutions play a role to enhance these measures at multiple points in the system, through environmental decontamination, personal and respiratory protective equipment, hand hygiene and environmental design. The NEPC published a rapid review of these engineering factors that limit the spread of COVID-19 in hospital environments.
Public Transport
A major retrofit of public transport for infection control has taken place to maximise safety for passengers and staff, but has been challenging for transport operators. A rapid review, which was put together in consultation with the transport industry outlined the challenge of finding technological solutions, with many new innovations available, but limited evidence of effectiveness and restricted access to COVID-19 test facilities.
Reprocessing PPE
The NEPC consulted with engineers and manufacturers in the UK and internationally to understand the measures required to safely decontaminate some types of medical PPE, a strategy for reuse in order to maintain supplies and reduce waste. Reaching across this diversity of engineering expertise allowed us to understand the different decontamination methods and the complex considerations to deploy PPE reprocessing at scale.
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